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What is the NHS App?


The NHS App is owned and run by the NHS. It can be accessed by anyone aged 13 and over registered with an NHS GP surgery in England or Isle of Man.
Once you have verified your identity in the app, you will have easy, 24/7 access to a growing range of health services and information.
It doesn’t replace existing services. You can still contact your GP surgery in the usual ways.

What does the NHS App do?

Your Health
  • View your GP health record view your medical history, test results, allergies, and medicines


  • Register your organ donation decision choose to donate some or all of your organs and check your registered decision

  • Take part in health research register with Be Part of Research to help us provide better care and treatment

  • Order repeat prescriptions request repeat prescriptions without having to contact your GP surgery

  • Nominate a pharmacy choose a pharmacy where your prescriptions will be sent to

  • Book appointments with your GP Surgery book, view and cancel appointments

  • Book and manage hospital appointments in one place you can choose your treatment provider from a list provided by your GP/referrer, and see information on most of them, including who to contact, waiting times, distance and booking details

  • Manage vaccination appointments book, amend or cancel vaccination appointments

Send and receive messages
  • Contact your GP surgery request care from your GP surgery using an online form

  • Receive messages and notifications view messages from your GP surgery and get notifications through your phone or tablet

Help someone else
  • Linked profiles access the health records, appointments and prescriptions of people you care for (including children) – or get help from someone you trust

Advice and information

•Search symptoms, conditions, and treatments use the health A-Z to check symptoms and treatments, and get advice on what to do next

•Get health advice through 111 online check if you need urgent help and find out what to do next

•Find NHS services search for services near you

•Check your NHS number check your NHS number and manage your contact details within the NHS App

Help and support

If you have any problems using the NHS App, you can:

• Go to ‘Help’ in the top right-hand corner
of the app. You will get help related to the
feature you are using
• Visit, or scan here







To download the NHS App, scan here






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